Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Real-World American Economics

Some choose a candidate based on economics. This is the one issue that propels the GOP to obscene heights of campaign donations. What the corporations see as a friendly face determines their donations, and they generally throw enough money at a candidate to make it worth their while to elect a certain party. What voters perceive as the best plan for their money determines their vote. What could a corporation possibly do for you personally by gaining the right to hide money off-shore, out-source jobs, pay less of your health insurance, ignore your pension, or relax safety laws? Nothing. Yes, but, Gayle, what's good for the job-creators, is good for the little people. If that is true, where have they been for the past four years? They have had their super tax breaks. Have they been holding back the recovery of an economy ruined by big corporations and financial institutions in order to make our President look bad during his first four years? Or are they just improving the employment rate overseas and not here? If there are jobs, they say they did it, if there are no jobs, they say the Democrats did it. When they start a war, it is necessary; if the President continues our presence in those countries, he is wasting our defense budget. The facts are twisted so badly that even the intelligent voter has trouble sorting through it.

Just accept it, even your favorite candidate (or mine) is likely to lie to the voter about what he will accomplish just to be elected. No president can turn his policies into law if his party does not hold a super-majority in congress. No president can truly promise to balance the budget or never to raise taxes - even the "read my lips" campaign could not be sustained once George Bush, Sr. became President. Taxes are necessary to maintain what we have set up as a system of government. It is not supposed to be a government of the corporation, but of the people. The wealthy (or nearly-wealthy) should be careful not to buy into the notion that everyone with money will receive the same perks as the super-rich. I am amazed at how many of my Republican friends believe that they know someone in the 1%. They have no idea how far above them these people live. So many middle-class Republicans are actually 1% wanna-be's who believe that if the system favoring that level of income stays in place long enough, they will be among them. It's like the kid on the playground assuming he will play in the NBA, so he wears the shirt and buys the posters. 99% of us will never reach that status, but your support for a system that protects their interests, and elevates them politically, will make the gap between us even greater.

There is a class system in this country. We all know it. This year's Presidential campaigns are based on that knowledge. It is and will be a matter of which side of the fence you believe you are on. If you are disillusioned enough to believe that (even though you are still on the playground) you will be playing for the NBA within the next four years, then vote with the GOP. If you understand that corporation money is buying our government and benefiting only the super-rich, vote Democratic. Eventually, everyone's interests will be served better by a government for the people.

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